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Usb To Uart Nokia

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by tiomitouta1976 2020. 2. 26. 10:12


DKU-5 and CA-42 cablesfor clone cables that Do not work with PL-2303 driverscable: usb to serial TTL voltages (not usb to normal serial voltages)for serial TTL voltages used by ie. Chip controllersthis nokia CA-42 clone cable has ARK3116 chip and is detected as 'USB to UART' or 'ArkMicro USB to UART' with Vendor ID (VID) 6547 and Product ID (PID) 0232 (on windows 7 64bit at least - but no drivers for win7 here)ArkMicro Technologies, Inc.has drivers for win xp (32bit at least), but none for windows 7 64bit (and probably not for 32bit either, and likely not for vista either, but maybe yes for win2k)Be advised, I used these with puttytel.exe on 57600 rate on win xp 32bit and after a short while (few minutes) I got blue scree.

Contents.This was written for Nokia PC Suite 6.8. Things seem to have become much easier since then.I regularly use Nokia PC Suite to save my SMS' and to backup other data off my phone using a DKU-5 cable but the first time I had to set it up, I spend quite a frustrated hour trying to figure out how to get it to work. It's not quite as simple as plugging in the phone via the cable since it isn't a USB device and the cable requires a USB-Serial driver. I've got the hang of it now and I thought I should put up a few tips for others so that they can save time and get right to the good stuff.What You'll Need. Available for free on the. Pick up a version that'll suit your phone. A USB to Serial driver.

Usb To Uart Nokia Price

The most popular seems to be and that's the one I use and the one that the tutorial is based on. ( If the link doesn't work,. You should find somewhere to download it from. ).

DKU-5 cable. I'm pretty certain this will work for others also but I haven't actually tried any other cable so can't say for sure. Windows 98/2000/Me/NT/XP. I've installed this on Windows 98 and XP. But since the others are kinda in between these two flavours, should work. You may need a for your cable.

Usb To Uart Nokia Phone

I didn't have to install one, I think it comes bundled with the newer versions of PC Suite, atleast, while installing, one of the components was a Connectivity Cable Driver.NOTE:Do NOT connect your cable or phone to the computer till specifically asked to do so!Step I: Installing PC SuiteThe installation is pretty straight forward. Just follow the steps given below and you'll be fine. Start the installation.

Click 'Next'. You can now use the 'File Manager' to navigate to your Inbox or gallery or any other folders that show up, depending on your phone model, and copy paste to it.

Usb To Uart Cable

Keep in mind, however, you cannot paste to the Inbox nor can you copy copyrighted material from your phone; like wallpapers or ringtones that were bundled with it. In case, your phone is not getting detected, read on. If it worked, then that's it.

Usb To Uart Nokia

Go ahead, experiment with your phone and PC Suite.Troubleshooting Phone Detection. First, make sure you've followed all the four steps listed above properly. If that doesn't work, try the steps below. On the PC Suite window, click 'Get Connected'. Wait for a while, the phone should get detected now. If it still doesn't work, try unplugging the cable from the computer and phone and then connect them again. I've noticed that I need to connect the cable to the phone first and then to the computer.

You should try the same order too. If you still have a problem, try reinstalling and following all the steps listed above. Try it on another computer and with another phone to make sure there isn't a problem with either your phone or your cable.