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2603 Planes Of Chaos Pdf Printer

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by tiomitouta1976 2020. 2. 18. 02:08


I member of this community, garretp2, scanned the town records and mailed it to me.I took his PDF, broke it into PNGs, photoshopped out the one line where he wrote in it, and then created a zip file with all the PNGs, PDFs, and a PDS of the pages of the town records.I asked Isaac if it would be okay to share and he said yes:EDIT - NEW LINK -I made it so that I could know what was in the town records for my Solo campaign without breaking the seal for my regular campaign. My gaming group is still a few scenarios (weeks) from retiring a character. ☐ Retire a character – open the Town Records BookCongratulations on retiring your first character!

I know it washard to let them go, but retirement is a vital step in your journeythrough this game. Remember that, unless told otherwise, youshould add the corresponding city and road events of yourretiring class and any class you have unlocked to the event decks,as detailed on pg. 6 and 48 of the rule book. And don't forget toadd 1 prosperity to the city.On the opposite page, you are encouraged to document thedetails of all characters who retire over the course of the game,logging the player's name, the character's name, their class, level,and number of perks.After documenting your first retired character, feel free to turnthe page and continue reading. Eventually, however, you willarrive at a yellow line that will instruct you to STOP READING,until certain conditions are fulfilled.

Make sure you don't readanything beyond that until you fulfill those conditions.Chapter 1. 'So you want to start some sort of record of all the mercenaries who'vemoved on from Gloomhaven?' A short, bearded man asks with a smile.' Sounds a little arrogant to me, but I'm sure I've got a spare recordbook somewhere in the stacks.' He puts down his pen into the spine of the book he was inking andsteps out from behind the counter at the front of the Town Recordsbuilding.

'I'll be back in a bit. Don't steal anything!' He gets in one more good scowl before turning and walking towardsthe back of the building, nearly tripping on his overly long robemultiple times. As he slips behind one of the many shelves of books,your attention shifts to the building itself.The Town Records building is a large, circular structure on the westside of the Coin District.

Built as a status symbol for the town ofwealthy merchants, anyone who actually enters can quickly see that themassive library is woefully understocked.Some sections, such as the teachings and philosophies of the GreatOak, are reasonably full, but many others have just a handful of booksoccupying long, barren shelves. Perhaps this was why some of yourmerchant friends were so adamant about you taking a trip to the TownRecords building in the first place. Recording your party's exploitscreates more content to fill these empty halls.With this in mind, your thoughts turn to the open book directlyin front of you — the one the clerk was working on. There are twotexts on the counter, and it looks as if the clerk was in the process oftranscribing the writing of one into the other.Looking more closely, however, you notice the titles are different. Thecomplete book is titled 'The Rise of Human Civilization,' while theother is titled 'The History of Gloomhaven, by Dominic Scrim.'

Intrigued, you begin to read what he was writing:At some point thousands of years ago, humansstopped hiding in caves and began to form societiesout in the open, erecting modest farming villages thateventually grew into the massive sprawling cities we seetoday.Living out in the open was never easy, though. Therewere wars, both amongst themselves and with otherraces such as the Valraths to the south. More troubling,however, were the constant raids from the more barbaricraces of the world — Inox and Vermling tribes who had noconcept of peace and wanted only to kill and destroy.Walls were always necessary, as were the armed menwho guarded those walls. For this reason, the civilizationof man grew and developed under a militaristic rule.Those skilled in warfare held the highest positions insociety and governed from a perspective of keeping theircharges safe from outside attacks.While this regime of strength kept the human race aliveand functioning, it did stagnate the growth of othercultural facets of society. What the civilization lacked inculture, though, it made up for with rapid expansion andsettlements spreading out from the north to every cornerof the continent. This created a strong foothold to ensurethat humans would continue to prosper and never againhave to go back to hiding in caves.'

Best to start at the beginning, eh?' Dominic now stands before youwith a small amount of leather-bound parchment. 'I found this in theback — it should do well for your purposes — but I see you've foundsomething as well.' He shifts his feet a bit and hands you the parchment.

'Most peoplesee Gloomhaven as some backwoods caravan stop,' he says in anaccusatory tone. 'A necessary evil in the middle of a deadly wilderness.' But I disagree. I love Gloomhaven, and I believe its history needs to bedocumented. I think this town plays a far more important role in thehistory of this continent than anyone realizes, and I'm going to proveit.'

Dominic flashes a brief nervous smile and then grabs up the two bookson the counter. 'But it's not finished yet. Not by a long shot.

Comeback later, and I might have more history to share.' ☐ STOP reading until Gloomhaven has reached prosperity level 3Chapter 2.

☐ STOP reading until Gloomhaven has reached prosperity level 3You walk into the Town Records building and are immediately struckby how different it looks. It might just be the lighting, but there seemsto be more books on the shelves and less of a scowl on Dominic's face.The short, bearded man approaches you.' Ah, how good of you to come,' he says.

'No doubt to record thefurther exploits of your friends. I was most assuredly derisive of yourmotives when you first walked in here, but I must say that the idea hasgrown on me a little.' Dominic slaps you on the back, then wanders around behind thecounter.

'Whether you like it or not, you are becoming importantfixtures of this community. And I am sure that I have you to thank, atleast in some small way, for the increased number of books lining theshelves.' He waves his arms about, his hands barely visible beneath his robe'slong sleeves. 'They're not good books, mind you, but they're booksnonetheless.' Plus,' he says with a small smile, 'I've had more time to work on myown tome.' Dominic opens the small collection of parchment he has been workingon and passes it to you.

'I'm still focused on the big picture right now,but I should have more soon. I thought you might be interested intaking a look.' Though human expansion has not always been greetedwith kindness and civility by the other races,currently humans are more-or-less at peace with theirneighbors.

After a costly peace treaty with the Valrathsto the South and na understanding with the prominent Inoxtribes, the only main threats are the animalistic Vermlingswho continue to assault human cities, sometimes for nodiscernible reason.Humans have mostly stayed away from Harrowerterritory out of fear, and the Harrowers seem to returnthe favor. The same goes for the Savvas, who liveunderground in the largely uninhabitable mountainousregions in the north.Orchids and Quatryls both come from far-off continentsacross the sea and seem far more interested in commerceand cultural exchange than conquest.And so human society has certainly benefited culturallyfrom its interaction with other races. Many of the mostbeautiful structures in human civilization would notbe possible without the machinery of the Quatryls, theelemental mastery of the Savvas, and the architecturaldesigns of the Valraths. The meditative Orchids haveeven influenced a number of human religions, though thefollowers of the Great Oak — a stringent group whobelieves a giant tree housed in the center of the capitalwatches over and protects everyone — remain unchanged.And while the human military keeps the civilizationalive, it is really the commerce with the other races thatultimately allows the civilization to flourish. It seems,then, as the wilds grew tamer, that a paradigm shift awayfrom militaristic rule and towards mercantile rule wasonly a matter of time.' Like I said, I'm still working on the broader strokes,' Dominic says, 'Butmy research has been providing some interesting information. It's allvery vague at the moment, though.

I need to find better sources. Not justSavvas howling poems.' He takes back the book and frowns. 'Savvas write the worst poetry, andit is incredibly hard to translate.' ☐ STOP reading until Gloomhaven has reached prosperity level 4Chapter 3. ☐ STOP reading until Gloomhaven has reached prosperity level 4'I hope we understand each other, Mister Scrim.' A well-decoratedsoldier stands in the center of the Town Records building as you enter.The librarian, Dominic, seems rather small by comparison, but he is notat all intimidated.'

Oh, I understand you perfectly well,' Dominic says, 'but I don't thinkyou're understanding my position. I am trying to find the truth.' The soldier looks up as you approach, then looks back down at thebearded man. 'Just think about what I said.'

He begins to gesture aroundhim as he walks towards the door. 'I'd hate to have to tear down thiswhole place.' Dominic waves at you grimly. Glad to see you stop. Whoknows what sort of shortsighted, lowbrow lengths that thug would havegone through to get his point across.'

He shakes his head and then fluffs his beard. 'It's just a difference ofopinion, though. In my research, I've apparently asked the wrong peoplethe wrong questions. It's amazing how reactionary thick-skulled peoplecan get about what is written down on a piece of parchment.' It's not like anyone's going to even read this little text of mine.' 'Um, well, except you, of course. Is that why you've come by?

I'vefinished up the broad history if you wanted to take a look.' As human civilization expanded across the continent,two major changes occurred. The first was thatmerchants grew into prominent positions within the citiesdue to wealth gained from lucrative trade routes bothwithin human civilization and with other races. Thesecond change was that the wilds, which were once sodangerous, became much less so, especially in the centerof the continent, as areas were converted to farmland andpeace was made with the surrounding races in one way oranother.The military taxed the trade heavily across the continentand the merchants grew more and more resentful aslarger portions of their earnings were demanded for lessjustification. The military did nothing and grew fat offthe work of others.This all came to a head in the capital when the leaderof the merchant's guild, Simon Wainwright, organizeda coup of the city's military by hiring an entire army ofmercenaries with the guild's money and taking control ofthe city's keep. Very little force was actually required, asthe city guard was outnumbered and woefully under-trained. The siege of the keep lasted less than two days -not nearly enough time for reinforcements to arrive fromthe surrounding cities.Once in power, the merchant's guild quickly won thefavor of the citizenry with sweeping social changes,allowing for a great many freedoms and relieving themfrom the heavy taxation of the military.

Once thecommoners were on the side of the merchants, there waslittle hope for the military of regaining control, at whichpoint the mercenary army was no longer required and themilitary was offered a decent salary to continue keepingwatch over the city.After the capital was reformed, the Merchant'sRevolution spread outward from there, quickly deposingthe militaristic rule across the continent. As of thewriting of this document, only one city remains under thegovernance of a military presence: Gloomhaven.'

Next I really want to get into the development of Gloomhaven andthis clash between the merchants and the military in the city,' Dominicbegins. 'But, as you can see, the military isn't all that happy about it.' Dominic hesitates. 'I was, uh, hoping you all could do me a favor, actually.In order to continue to put my pen to paper, I think I'd better get thebacking of a powerful merchant to keep me safe.'

They're all sympathetic to me getting down this history, of course, butthey are a little hesitant to publicly support the venture. I'm hoping youcould do some convincing for me. You might have the most luck withCouncilman Greymare.' Unlock Scenario: Oozing Grove 72 (H-12)☐ STOP reading until Oozing Grove has been completedChapter 4.

☐ STOP reading until Oozing Grove has been completed'Ah, my esteemed patrons!' Dominic greets you at the door of the TownRecords building. 'I cannot thank you enough for securing the support ofCouncilman Greymare.' He leads you through the half-filled shelves of books towards a smallroom in the back of the building. 'When I heard the good news,immediately got to work and continued my writing.' Dominic sits down at a large table in the room, his book sitting beforehim.

He gestures you toward chairs, as well. 'It's still needs more detail —more research — but I am proud of it so far. Why don't you take a look atwhat I have?' Vestled in the calm waters of Merchant's bay,Gloomhaven was founded over three hundred yearsago as a harbor for trade ships traveling across the MistySea. Though newer than most human settlements, itexpanded rapidly because of its importance as a hub ofcommerce for humans and other races.Gloomhaven is integral to the human economy becauseit rests in the only viable spot on the eastern coastlinefor harboring large amounts of ships. That the town isstill under military rule causes no end of aggravation tomerchants across the continent. All imports and exportsare heavily taxed.The simple truth of the matter is that Gloomhaven isstill a vastly dangerous city.

Where other settlementshave grown far safer over the course of human expansion,Gloomhaven seems to only grow more unsafe, despitecountless efforts to tame the surrounding wilds. It isalmost as if there is a dark presence outside the walls,bent on tearing apart the city and its citizens.Of course, not all share this opinion.

Some merchantsbelieve that the military is actively encouraging thedangerous elements beyond the walls - inciting tribes ofVermlings to attack the city, for instance - to remindeveryone that the military is necessary for Gloornhaven'ssurvival. It may be a cynical view, but with theMerchant's Revolution toppling every other militarygovernment across the continent, it is hard to denythat the military only remains in power in Gloomhavenbecause of the persistent outside threats.Dominic wrings his hands. Maybe you were expecting more, butI assure you this is just the beginning.'

In my research, I've found a number of sources that allude to the DemonWar — the war between humans and the Valraths to the south thatoccurred hundreds of years ago — to be one of the central causes that ledto the founding of Gloomhaven, but the whole thing doesn't makesense to me.' Dominic begins to stroke his beard. 'I mean, this war happened longbefore Gloomhaven ever existed, so I just don't see the connection.' But I must find out. There's a much deeper story to all of this, andthe Demon War has to be the key. I've requested some books from thesouthern Valrath libraries that I hope might shed some light on thematter, but we currently don't have the funds to transport them. Wedon't have the funds for much, really.'

Dominic stands from the table and walks you back towards the door.' Just keep doing what you're doing, and l'm sure some money will trickledown to me eventually.' Unlock Event: Add City Event 80 to the deck☐ STOP reading until Gloomhaven has reached prosperity level 5Chapter 5. ☐ STOP reading until Gloomhaven has reached prosperity level 5Dominic trots quickly from behind the counter to meet you as you enterthe Town Records building. 'Just the mercenaries I wanted to see!

I havesomething to show you.' After vigorously shaking your hand, he turns and ushers you to follow ashe moves toward the back room. 'The texts from the southern continentfinally arrived, and they have been very helpful. They've painted a muchclearer picture of the Demon War.' Dominic opens the back door and gestures for you to sit down in frontof his open book. 'I'd like you to read the latest entry and then we'll havemore to talk about.'

In the early years of human expansion, it was inevitablethat the military would clash with the burgeoning nationof fierce Valrath to the south. Both races had a thirstfor power, and this came to a head in the grassland areaof Stormbrew.

Both nations claimed ownership of theregion and small skirmishes between settlements quicklyescalated into an all-encompassing war.The fighting raged for six years. The full attention ofboth civilizations bore down on these blood-soaked plains.Both races were equally fierce, stubborn, and filled withan unquenchable rage.And after six years, the war had taken a heavy toll onboth nations. With all of their resources being pouredinto the war, both races fell victim to numerous threatsfrom within and from outside their borders - starvation,disease, and crime ran rampant. Before too long, bothwould crumble and be destroyed under the weight of theconflict.So it came to pass, directly before what was to be oneof the greatest and costliest battles between the twogreat commanders of the war, that an Aesther appearedbetween the two armies and offered a means for peace.This Aesther was the first of his kind that either ofthese two races had ever seen, and when he presented hisoffer, the commanders were terribly skeptical. In the end,however, they agreed to give the Aesther a chance.Neither commander trusted the other or the Aesther, sowhen the Aesther told them to follow him to the east,both leaders brought a battalion of soldiers with them.After a few days of marching, though, a great fog rolledacross the plains, and soon the two commanders wereseparated from their battalions.

They emerged fromthe fog alone - just two commanders and the Aestherstanding in the middle of a great ruin, an entire city ofovergrown stone from a long-forgotten civilization.Standing among the ruins, the Aesther turned and toldthese two commanders a story. He told them of the greatUpheaval and the true history of their two races. Whenthe story was finished, the two commanders made peaceon the spot.The Valraths renounced their vicious, expansionist natureand the two races worked together to build a civilizationaround strength and commerce. The story of the Upheavalwas only told orally, passed down from leader to leader.And many generations after the peace treaty was signed,the descendants of the two commanders began workconstructing a new city as a monument to the treaty. Acity built on the very spot where the Aesther told his tale.The city of Gloomhaven.You look up from the book to see Dominic staringintently at you. A smile grows on his face.'

'Surely you have the same questions I do. I mean, forstarters, what was this Upheaval?' He begins pacing around the room, stumbling over his robes multipletimes. 'Was it some sort of catastrophe? What could the Aesther havepossibly said to stop an entire war?

And Gloomhaven was built on topof an ancient city? We're all aware of the ruins beneath us, but I alwaysthought it was an earlier settlement destroyed by raiders. But the ruinspredate humanity itself? Is the Upheaval what destroyed the originalcity?' Dominic coughs and adjusts his beard. 'There are, well, too manyquestions. I cannot possibly continue without the answers.'

I've pored over all the texts from the Valrath library, but thisstory told by the Aesther is in none of them. The books say it was onlypassed down orally, but that is hard to believe. There has to be awritten record somewhere.' He turns back to you and shrugs. 'I may need your help in the nearfuture, but for now I need to make more contacts and try to gathermore information about where a record of the Upheaval story couldpossibly be. I'll send for you when I know more.' ☐ STOP reading until Gloomhaven has reached prosperity level 6Chapter 6.

☐ STOP reading until Gloomhaven has reached prosperity level 6'Ah, glad to see you got my note,' Dominic shakes your hands and thenremains conspicuously quiet until you enter the back room and the dooris closed and locked.' I think I have the answer we're looking for,' he begins. 'I was right.There is a written record of the Aesther's story. It appears in the Codexof Directives, a book that should only be read by the highest official ineach region.' There was a copy delivered to Gloomhaven.

But don't worry, you won'thave to raid the Ghost Fortress to get it. Because it never arrived.' Dominic looks at you intently. 'It took a lot of legwork, but I eventuallysniffed out a guard in town who was protecting the caravan thatdelivered the book from the capital many years ago. Apparently thecaravan was attacked by a group of Inox near the southern tip of theDagger Forest.'

'The guard was dragged back to the Inox camp before he managed toescape and find his way to Gloomhaven. Oddly enough, no one was eversent to find the camp and recover the caravan's goods. They probablydidn't want to incite more wrath from the Inox.' So the book may still be out there, and, with a little grease, the guardtold me exactly where you can find the camp.' Unlock Scenario: Rockslide Ridge 73 (N-5)☐ STOP reading until Rockslide Ridge has been completed.Chapter 7.

☐ STOP reading until Rockslide Ridge has been completed.Dominic approaches you with a sullen demeanor as you enter the TownRecords building.' It feels weird seeing you after so short a time. Obviously you justdelivered the Codex of Directives to me, and normally it would takelonger to fully study and transcribe the Aesther's story, but. Well, wehave a significant problem.' As usual, you are directed to the back room, but as Dominic opens thedoor, you see a scene of chaos and destruction.

The table is overturnedand torn books are scattered across the floor.' They took everything,' Dominic sighs. 'They took the Codex; they tookmy book. He sees your confused, concerned look and continues. 'They calledthemselves the Vigil. They said I was messing with things that I shouldn'tbe. They stormed in wearing full armor as I was pouring over the Codexjust minutes after you left.

They said they were tasked with keeping theCodex of Directives safe, and then they began looking for any copies Ihad made, ultimately settling on just stealing the history of GloomhavenI was writing.' Dominic slams a destroyed book down on the floor. 'It's infuriating! Who in the name of the Oak are the Vigil? Primitives is what theyare! Look at how they treated my books!' Dominic closes his eyes and takes a deep breath.

Eventually a small smilecreeps across his face. 'We do have two things going for us, though.

Oneis that I think we are all incredibly determined to get that book back. I'mgoing to reach out to my contacts, maybe do a little research. I will tofind out who the Vigil are and where to find them, and then going tosend you in to kill every last one of them.' The second thing is that I have a very sharp memory.'

Dominic producesa crumpled scrap of paper from his robes. 'I read through about halfof the Aesther's story before the thugs came in swinging their swords. Ithink I've produced a pretty accurate transcription.' This is the story told by the Aesther Naaret to thecommanders of the Demon War:The ruins on which you now stand were once the capitalof an expansive, thriving civilization. There were noVairatlis or humans, just a single race, growing andmaturing in harmony with its surroundings.In this place, ancient man had many noble pursuits.He looked into the very large expanse above us,contemplating the stars, and he also looked at the verytiny things that make up everything on this earth. Theancient man's quest for knowledge was vast, and itstretched too far.With great intensity, the ancient man's gaze turned tosomething outside this world — to the infinite planes ofbeing that existed beyond his own. He yearned to travelto them, and to learn what he could from them.And it was because of this desire that a rift betweenworlds was created, and a great calamity was broughtforth.

For this new plane housed not the answers toancient man's infinite questions, but only the creatures ofnightmares — demons bent on the ruination of everythinghe held dear. Despite all of ancient man's knowledge andtools, his cities and people were ravaged beyond repair.His walls turned to rubble and his family was torn apart,eaten, and driveninto caves, where they huddled in thedark and waited for the end to come.This is known as the great Upheaval.' Lt's not the full thing,' Dominic says. 'But it's a start. It answers a lot ofquestions, but I have a lot more. I'll let you know when I have more to goon.☐ STOP reading until Gloomhaven has reached prosperity level 7Chapter 8. ☐ STOP reading until Gloomhaven has reached prosperity level 7'Thanks for coming,' Dominic greets you at the door.

'I'll keep this short.I've discovered that the Vigil is a bunch of pro-military skullcrackers whofed it is their sole duty to guard against the Upheaval from happeningagain, but they do to by keeping any evidence of the Upheaval secretfrom everyone else. Seems to me like a pretty backwards way of helping.' He hands you a small piece of paper. 'They operate out of the Traveler'sDistrict. Just follow the map.

Listen, you don't have to kill them all if youdon't want, just get back the Codex and my book.' Unlock Scenario: Vault of Secrets 77 (B-17)☐ STOP reading until Vault of Secrets has been completedChapter 9. ☐ STOP reading until Vault of Secrets has been completed'Oh, my, you've returned!'

Dominic springs up in excitement as you enterthe Town Records building. He jogs toward you a little too quickly, tripson his robe and lands flat on his face.'

Uh, no matter,' he says waving ofF the incident. 'I imagine you'verecovered the books? Please tell me you've brought the books back!' As you nod, he jumps to his feet, smiling broadly. It's timewe got to the bottom of this - preferably in your company in case thosemaniacs come back.' Once in the back room, Dominic quickly opens the Codex of Directivesand flips to the proper page.

'Let's finish the story, shall we?' The end did not come for the ancient man as hehuddled in the darkness of his cave, insane andbroken. The harbingers of the Upheaval, a great armyof demons, had succeeded in bringing a once-powerfuland glorious civilization to its complete and utter end.This had been a challenge, but hunting down the wretchedcreatures who now huddled together like rats in a cage -there was not sport in that.The world lay shattered and ruined before them, andthe Gloom grew bored. The forces withdrew and weredispatched to destroy some other world, and the Gloomdecided it would be far more interesting and challengingto manipulate the wretched scraps of this ancient race intodestroying themselves.One group of ancient man, who had fled far to the south,were taken by the Gloom, their blood tainted with thatof the demons'. The result was unrecognizable - a feral,animalistic race of half-demon, half-man.And then the Gloom watched and waited. The Gloomstood silent as man emerged from his cave and beganto rebuild himself.

The Gloom smiled at the newfoundarrogance of man as he began to expand his territoriesand take back the land from the unforgiving wilds. TheGloom waited for the day when its two creations meteach other on the field of battle and destroyed each othercompletely.' Dominic mumbles. 'Every time I think I've gotten to thebottom of this, something new emerges.'

He slumps in his chair. 'This sounds bad. I guess the Aesther convincedthe commanders to stop the war in order to avoid fulfilling theexpectations of the Gloom, but the Vigil seem convinced that the Gloomwill still return one day to destroy us all anyway.

I'm not sure what tothink.' Dominic shrugs. 'I'll spend some more time studying the text, but I don'tknow what it's going to take to find a breakthrough on this. In all thebooks I've read, I've never seen a single mention of this Gloom until now.' I'll let you know if I find anything.' ☐ STOP reading until scenario 51 has been completedChapter 10.

☐ STOP reading until scenario 51 has been completed'Well, when I said 'breakthrough,' I wasn't expecting you to go out, findthe Gloom, and destroy it,' Dominic says as you enter the Town Recordsbuilding. 'Certainly nothing that extreme, but it did the trick.' I was able to study some of the writing on the walls of the chamber youfound beneath the Void, and I've discovered quite a bit of informationabout the Gloom.' Dominic sets his book down in front of you. 'If you'll permit me, I haveone final entry in my history of Gloomhaven for you to read.' The study of interplanar travel was really thebrainchild of a single man: Bastian the Seeker.During his studies of what was beyond this world, anunimaginably powerful being called out to Bastian fromacross the infinite planes, invading and corrupting hisdreams.

The being promised him knowledge and powerbeyond what any single plane could hold. Bastian beganhis work to open a rift between his own plane and thatof the being poisoning him as it called from beyond. Hewas so consumed and overtaken by greed and vice, thatwhen the rift was finally opened and the Upheaval began,the unnameable evil was able to merge seamlessly withBastian's form, birthing what came to be known as theGloom.It has been conjectured by Aesther scholars that the evilbeing has no form of its own, but simply travels fromplane to plane, inhabiting a vessel and using it to sowdeath and destruction for its own amusement. By allaccounts, this being is immortal and eternal. If its vesselis destroyed, it will simply find a new one, on this planeor the next.Dominic closes the book. 'I thank you for all the help you provided in thewriting this history, and I truly hope that's the last we've all seen of theGloom.' Dominic's smile fades as he nervously fidgets with a scrap of paper.

'Well,there was one last detail that gave we pause, I found some writings inthe Void that I simply could not decipher. They are vaguely similar to arunic language I once encountered up north, but the exact structure isunfamiliar.'

He hands the paper to you in silence.MYSTERIOUS WRITING.

In the current discussion of all things economic, there's been one aspect of it all that I've been keeping an eye out for, so far without much luck. But the odd piece pops up. Here's an article out of AP that's one of the few that I've found -Before we get into the big stuff let's just tear the article apart. It seems pretty innocuous doesn't it?

It says nice things about Islamic banking. Sure enough, it's not what's in the article that is the problem. It's what's not in it. And what's not in it is the word 'usury'. Likewise, 'interest' gets a single blink-and-you-miss-it mention, and only in a sentence that's as fine an example of ambiguity as you'd find in an English textbook.

The next sentence is perfectly idiotic. 'Islamic banking's limitations rule out some of the products that got Western finance into so much trouble such as subprime mortgages, collateralized debt obligations or credit default swaps'. Some of the products? God spare me! Is that the best this fellow do?

Me to him - 'Wake up dickhead! It doesn't have interest! Can you grasp the significance of this?' Somebody slap that hack. Hard.This piece (like every other MSM piece, sure) is not so much designed to enlighten readers but to befuddle them. Those not familiar with the topic would come away thinking that Islamic banking is some religious variation of 'not quite the thing'. It finishes, just as we'd expect, with a defence of 'conventional' banking.

God forbid we should call 'conventional' banking what it is - Jewish banking.Honestly, isn't that a fair description? In fact, what we now refer to as Islamic banking used to be Christian banking. Christians, like Muslims, used to consider usury, and the charging of interest, to be a sin. Apparently the Reformation somehow put paid to that.

From a state of complete ignorance, I ask the question - How did that happen? Did any historian ever write a book looking at the Reformation from the point of view of Christianity's 180° turn on usury?

Or if they did, did any publisher put it into print? Or if they did, did the media pick it up, run with it, and enter it into the vernacular? Ha ha ha, we're not a million miles away from a Dyson vacuum cleaner commercial with its three-tiered filter system ensuring no dirt gets through to ruin Jewish banking's otherwise spotless house.But to hell with vacuum cleaners. I'm going to call 'conventional' banking what it is - Jewish banking. It's their gig, they invented it, and they've held the reins ever since. It started with the goldsmiths and it never changed.

And now it rules the world. Three cheers. Sure enough, those chosen by God would have us view everything they do as an act of that self same God. Jewish banking is to be viewed as being as inevitable as the sunrise. In much the same way that no one will ever say, 'What's to be done about that sun coming up every morning?'

, same-same usury, credit, and interest. No discussion of the essential nature of money, banking, and how it all works (or doesn't work), is to be permitted.

Certainly not in any way that will lead to enlightenment. Befuddlement is the key. If the whole world were scratching their collective head with only those who run the gag getting it, then all is as it should be.

Or so say the bankers (sotto voce, of course).Jewish banking, such as it is, is actually a pyramid scam, not so very far removed from what we've been told Bernard Madoff did. (Speaking of which, remember those pyramid scams that bankrupted Eastern Europe after the collapse of the Soviet Union?

Did we ever hear who ran those, or where the money went? Gosh, I wonder who it was.) Anyway, under Jewish banking, with all money as debt, eventually a point must be arrived at where there's more debt than there is actual real world stuff to pay for it all. Really the insanity of this arrangement is obvious. Take Indonesia.

They owe so much to the IMF that the debt can never be paid. Not without the Indonesians moving out and handing the whole country, lock stock and oil barrel, over to their creditors. Not that that would work of course. Best they all just stay on as debt peons. And so it is for the world. Eventually we must come to a point where everything in the world, us included, belongs to the bankers.Are we at that point yet? Looks like it doesn't it?

The pyramid scam has hit its endpoint. Now comes the chaotic crossover period where the priests of banking declare themselves god-kings of the new world order.

But mucky stuff happens in periods of chaos. Our media supplied rose-tinted glasses slip. The three-tiered filter can't quite suck up all the dirt.

People look about. Islamic banking eh? Sure enough, nobody needed it when the pyramid scam was raging. This thing would go on forever! Fuck Everyone get on the gravy train!Ha ha ha. Now the train has derailed. We all look to the conductor.

'Don't worry, stay in your seats. Everything's being sorted out.' But out the window we see an old iron horse, like some thing from the dimly remembered past.

It chugs away - weedy-puff, weedy-puff - barely faster than walking speed. It can no more derail than Ayer's Rock could just fall over. It's the Islamic Banking steam engine.

What if we got off this stupid Jewish banking streamliner and got on the old reliable? And that's the thing.

We could all get on it. And with perfectly dry eyes we would watch as the nightmare wreckage of the Jewish dream machine slowly recedes into the unlamented past.And that's what it's all about. The means of our peonage is the Jewish banking system's control of money and debt. The only way this works is if we have no choice, ie. It's a monopoly. Anyone with an alternative must be destroyed.

The only substantial alternative to Jewish usury is Islamic non-usury. Remember - Jewish usury and banking is precisely the vehicle (I'll argue the only vehicle) by which the ultimate ambition, subjugation of the whole world, can be achieved. Everything else comes second. Everything else is servant to this ne plus ultra mechanism. Neither war, nor religion, nor culture could achieve this. Each of them is limited. None of them can achieve the strategic endpoint of world domination.

They can only serve as tactical responses to threats to the usury strategy.Soapbox time now - Everything that's going on between us, the subjects of Jewish banking, and the people of the Islamic banking alternative is about the sanctity of usury. Don't think small. Thinking big now, how about this - the founding of Israel was not an end in itself. It too is merely a tactical ploy in the long term strategic effort of having the entire world being owned by the banking families.

Israel is merely a cancer expressly planted in the geographic heart of the lands that do not pay fealty to Jewish banking. In the Middle East.

Where the Muslims are. And do the Rothschilds and their pals actually live there? Is that not significant?Way back when, like a century ago, various other countries were being mooted as potential homes for Zion. These were just lobbed up as smokescreen. Israel was never intended to be a safe home for Jews. It was always intended to be a mad little hornet's nest that would ensure war with its neighbours.

The religiously deluded, expendable Jews in Israel are there to be used up and thrown away by the banking families in their campaign of dominance by usury. Forget platitudes and homilies. Whatever Israel claims to be on about, it will never achieve it. It will never be a safe haven. It will never be a regularly functioning country. It has no future that makes any sense.The impossibility of Israel only makes sense if we view it as, I don't know, how about a parachute regiment dropped behind enemy lines?

Their mission is (truth be known) to blow up some Islamic banks. Everything else is bullshit designed to convince the regiment to go on a mission from which they cannot be saved.

We're going to tell them that? 'Men of the paratroop regiment! Take that terrain and make an eternal home for paratroopers the world over! The future is yours!' The strategists back in their villas on the shores of Lago di Como (who'd no more live in Israel than eat their own shit) know how to inspire their men.And they know how to inspire us. We've been sold that fucking mission statement too.

(Am I alone in hating that expression? When I hear the words 'mission statement' I reach for my gun, ha ha.) And we bought it. Israel something or other, terrorism, bullshit, bullshit, the economy, governments, fucking hell, let's riot and set fire to cars!

We shake our fists at whomever.Meanwhile, down at the Islamic bank, Mr Anouar 'I don't think conventional banks are dirty, bad, or money obsessed' Hassoune is diligently, and honestly, totting up the figures with no idea that it's all about him. Said.Very nicely done. I too have wondered WTF was this Israel thing set up for if not for the effing Jews to go somewhere and leave the rest of us alone. One would think that if throughout recorded history, every single society on earth has kicked you out or worse, any rational race or group of people would begin asking, 'Is it us?' But no, meddling, and wailing seem to be genetic traits that the Ziozhids refuse to examine in themselves and the rest of us suffer. But if history is any judge, some societies only suffer for so long and like a rubber band the snap back can be nasty indeed. Said.Happy New Year Nobody!

Although personally I'm waiting for the full moon in a few weeks & celebrating the Chinese New Year (in with the Ox, out with the Rat!). Amazing perception you show here - the bit about paratroopers is bizzarely accurate as the US is deploying troops throughout the (former) nation to quell 'economic disturbances'. WHAT disturbances? Too many people are finding out who did 'em and why. And HOW they got done! Tent cities are no longer only in Detriot and Las Vegas.

A current article puts a few in Tokyo, the richest and most successful city on earth within short memory. How well the gremlin of fractional interest banking did the number on all who bought in.

So NATO/banker troops are about to smother whatever was left of the USA. They've been practicing, drilling and running real-time exercizes for this eventuality since Truman was president. I have NO DOUBT that any resistance to the will of the Chosen Caste will be brief, ineffectual and either mislabled for outside consumption or memory holed completely. Worst thing about all this, see, is that it won't be the guilty ever gets blamed, no. Even the local sub-contractors, guilty also (but stupid) will think it's just the rising global underclass giving the elites a chance to trim the herd (they've been promising THAT since Truman too.) Nope. Three dozen of us worldwide know why it's about to come down.

Not enough for a hot debate much less a resistance. They plan well, the top doggies! Said.If I may think aloud. I am thinking of a recent Michael Hudson interview, and also an interview I heard with Ellen Brown. Where they both made the statement that indeed, banking as we know it now, is a ponzi scheme.

Michael Hudson went so far as to be thankful that the media was explaining a ponzi scheme, so that people would grasp the connection. (between modern day banking and ponzi schemes) I don't know that they will?

The reason being, I don't think people understand how the banking system works, how money is 'created' or how fractional banking even works. I know I didn't until maybe a few years ago.

Without that understanding people will not grasp why new debtors must be constantly created, to feed the system, to keep it alive. Like some all consuming monstrosity.

Which takes us to where we are now, there are no new debtors, or not enough anyway to feed the monstrosity. And so the monstrosity is imploding. Then I remember actually explaining it to someone, they didn't get it. It is most often hardest to see that which is right in front of you.

Said.ah banking. Well i do know that xtian catholic crusaders, the templars.b4 the split had their hands in banking too. Remb philip the fair of france, he and the pope were up in arms b4 that fateful fri 13th about the templars - they had more money than god.and were entirely out of the holy see's hand. I don't know how dirty they were w/their lending practices.but i'm sure the remnant who got out alive retained some of their money, out of the pope/philip's reach in prot GB. Don't know that they bought into the bank of england. Maybe rothschild got it all anyway. Guess i need to go read up soon.

I'd hope that since the crusades some of the better parts of islamic culture were incorporated into freemasonry, hopefully banking was a measure. Nice article noby:). Said.Thanks folks, one does like an appreciative audience, ha ha. Dave, you've actually tapped into (sort of) a theme that's been running in my head for a while. It'll lob up here eventually. And Frank, it's more than three dozen mate.

This weeny blog alone gets 100-200 hits a day. And if I get on wrh, it's 2000 - 5000. Mind you, now that I think about it, in the big picture that's pathetic really. Still, better than nothing and we do what we can.

Yeah I've explained to people how banking works. I don't think I've had any success.

Mostly people's brains can't seem to get past the line 'But you HAVE to have interest.' In a conversation they'll only say it once but in their head it's running as a loop track. And Kikz, I wondered if that might not get your brain buzzing. And wouldn't we love to have a coherent history of the Templars and all that?

Mind you, like that's ever going to happen. Hey NaM, thanks matey, and I'll get back to your email shortly. Said.Good piece Nobody. We keep finding everyday for at least the past decade how debt/interest/usury are tied up in the imperial program. Now when we hear of missing billions and mercenary armies, weapons sales and ethnic cleansings taking place, its kinda revealing.

Add oil pipelines, add and it gives analysts and those who 'condemn' and 'foment' reason to say 'Why its just too complicated to resolve.' This is reminiscent of yanking US troops out of the Iraq occupation - what is complicated about just leaving? Exotic financial intruments are only complicated to the extent they are designed to mystify. Anything mysterious that produces crisis needs to be recognized as criminal activity and brought to justice. Is greed complicated? The Dyson is outdated. People with exotic mortgages also purchased newly built homes equipped with mystifying Central Vacs, a retractable hose built into the walls on the same principle as a clothes dryer's lint filter.

If it isn't dumped regularly, lint, dirt and dust overlow clogs the machinery. We ought to be in the habit of dumping that which hurts us.

It is masochistic to willingly pursue failure and its sibling, pain. Said.To be honest, I detest vacuum cleaners. I don't have my own place but when I do, I want wooden floors that I shall sweep with a broom. And perhaps some rugs that I can drag outside and beat.

This is all a bit apropos the vibe in your latest piece at artlifewest Stuck in old man's idiotic two bedroom apartment I envy you having such chores. And I completely LOVE chopping wood. There's something really right about swinging an axe. Folks, it's worth clicking that link if for no other reason than to check out Nina's latest marvellous painting. And Susana's poem about it too! Said.Ahhh, money.

My favorite subject outside of beer. Well, let's just say I like it. You've hit it good Nobody, so what does this excessive fiat controlled economy got to do with our beloved leaders of the free world? It's not like they might be.influenced or anything is it?

CONGRESS: 2000-2008 (an analogy).A sloth.A lazy sloth.A lazy sloth retired with that disease Stephen Hawking has.In the advanced stage.A retired lazy diseased sloth. Wearing astronaut diapers.On Sunday morning.The whole sloth thingy living. Remotely in North Dakota.On a sweltering stifling summer day.A lazy hung over retired diseased sloth wearing diapers trying to get to a public phone through stifling heat.In an unusually strong hot headwind.On a dusty gravel road.Stuck behind a donkey plow. Said.Hey KJ, that was poetical. There's is no way known that topless bathing will be banned in Oz. An abject impossibility. In matters such as this, Australia is VERY different to America.

We're kind of more like the French. Mind you, that Australian generation who grew up watching Baywatch have bought into the American weirdness over speedos. And much like Americans, they think nothing of divers etc at the olympics wearing speedos, but should anyone wear the same thing at the beach they wig out. What on earth is that? Sounds like some perverse Skull and Bones initiation, ha ha. 'No, hold his feet closer to the fire!'

'Is that burning flesh I smell?' 'I love the smell of burning flesh in the morning. It smells like victory.' It smells like pork.' 'Ha ha ha, chug!'

Said.Certainly one of your very best! I sent it off to my sis. I have brought this up with others as well - often one gets a blank look perhaps if one is lucky, turning quizzical, but more often than not the convo ends. I talk to the Jehovah's often. The ones that come to my door know what to expect, and to be frank we have some really good conversations.

They lovingly call me 'The Heretic', but I am kind and we all have good exchanges. I mentioned the usury to them on one of these occassions and I must say, was surprised at their knowledge and abhorence of the whole idea.

Granted these are just individuals that I have spoken with, on and off, for almost 17 years. But at least they 'got it'.

Try explaining this to the average joe and he goes blank, if he hears the word Jew or Judiasm he shuts down completely - so ingrained is the programming. Though, I do think some are starting to ask questions, esp since it is effecting them. Too bad they didn't think about all this sooner. Oh, and your comment on vacuums - I agree. I have all wood floors here and use a broom and a damp mop.

I do own a shopvac, but that's just for cleaning up construction junk and water after my fish tank exploded.: Beating carpets is very therapeutical.;) Buffy. Said.S'more appears to be a contraction of the phrase, 'some more'.3 The informal nature of this term reflects the environment in which s'mores are traditionally served and its meaning hints at the desires of campers who are not satisfied by the first bite of the treat. Some have jokingly surmised that the name originated from people who were so busy eating the tasty treat that they did not have time to speak in complete sentences, or alternately, that their enunciation was compromised by the fact that their mouth was still full of the previously mentioned s'more. Another theory is that the dessert is so sticky, particularly due to the combination of melted chocolate and marshmallow, that it is especially difficult to talk or swallow, and this remains the case for some time even after the entire dessert is eaten. Therefore, if someone who has finished swallowing their last piece of the dessert is asked if they'd like another, 's'more please' would be all they could manage to relay. While the origin of this popular campfire dessert came from Karin Bunch, the first recorded version of the recipe can be found in the Girl Scout Handbook of 1927.4. Said.Greetings all, While God might have lost his ability and ultimate controller, she certainly has shown a very full deck of surprise cards.

The other day I saw this flower atop the basil moving. Upon investigating it turned out to be a praying mantis, that looked exactly like the flower, I have never seen this before. Where am I going, well I think she is rethinking this creation, and I think we might come up for some pleasant surprises. The banking system being one. Well Nina, I might very well be hopping along to help you chop wood, and clean ashes.

Got a call from my bank this morning informing me that unless I produced proof of residence finally they would be freezing my business account. The reason being with the new fiscal laws here meant to protect people from getting into debt, the one requirement that banks have to have is proof of physical residence. Not one thing links me to my home. Not the bond, not the electricity bill, don't have any accounts that come to me. And right now I am so shit full of the whole thing that I am willing to take what i can out (should get a dozen eggs) and slope away from the system. God its tempting.

If you don't hear from me in two weeks it is because this action will have cut me off from the world. Nina, I will pick some grapes for some heated wine. Nobody - as a fellow southern hemispherer are you also experiencing unusual cold?

Said.Nobody, I had no idea that many hits. Good, better, better. You might be the one true Church after all.

And kikz always remembers what I forget. King Philip coordinated his raid on the Knights when? October 13th 1307. They timed the second 'New World Order' to take place 7 centuries after a French King screwed up attempt number one?

I dunno but I was thinking that on the 700th anniversary of the raid. I was at work where I think odd things sometimes. Seven is biblical, scientific, and astronomically potent all at once. Leaving out Freemasons even.

BUT they must be very unhappy if 11/07 was their NWO wrap-up target date AND THEY MISSED IT. Explains the nastiness in Gaza, the money-meltdown, everything. They're furious. The cock-ups have thrown all their plans off, and when mother has a headache the kids all get spanked. If the hundreds of hits a day includes security screws from wherever, can I tell them something?

Okay, no I wouldn't, but it's tempting. Said.Okay Susana, that was actually spooky. You are about to become me. I have no proof of anything except for my passport.

In fact, just lately, on account of my father no longer being able to drive, I was sort of forced into getting a driver's license again. But they wouldn't give me one! I couldn't prove who I was.

Or not to their satisfaction anyway. The woman hassled me to get a bank account. I told her I have a fundamental objection to usury and refuse to be a customer of the banks.

I told her that the government does not require me to be a purchaser of any good or service - except banks. How come if I want to deal with the government I MUST be a customer of a bank? What's so fucking special about banks? She had no answer of course. Not beyond, 'Is there anything else I can help you with?' I think she'd have been closer to the mark to have said, 'Is there anything else I can be UNhelpful about?' Anyway, I gave up.

I didn't really want to get a driver's license anyway. I didn't actually need one except to drive the old man to see his doctor once a week. My position is, he can just grab a cab. It's way cheaper than owning a car. He considers this declasse, or something. Not that I care. As for the shopping I just use my granny trolley.

Does everyone have a granny trolley? They're fantastic. People look at you funny but for a guy who is habitually in a sarong, it's nothing special, ha ha. Anyway, it's spooky you should mention this. The piece I wrote here was originally twice as long with the second part being the micro to the macro, ie. What can individuals do? I have no answers of course.

I just ask questions. It'd be up already except for the old man having inexplicably taken to waking up early.Just so you all know, me living with my father consists of Fox Sports being on the TV every waking hour. Somehow it usedn't to bother me so much and I could sit with the TV blaring and still write.

But somewhere along the line I wigged out and can no longer think straight while that fucking TV is on. To deal with it, I took to going to bed at 8.30 and waking up at 5am. Since he didn't wake up until lunchtime-ish, I'd get several hours of sanity. But lately his habits are all ahoo and he's up and down like a yoyo. Last night he got up at 2am turned the TV to blaring and left it that way.

Well that was my night fucked. In the morning he didn't even remember it. Anyway my point is I'm going nuts and if the cancer took him tomorrow I'd breathe a sigh of relief.

When you live with a senile old man, this and all sorts of ugly thoughts go through your head. Said.yup, nota. Philip the fair sent out the arrest order on the 11th. And the fleet left la rochelle that night at midnight. So the story goes.

Know why philip came after em? He owed them money. And they wouldn't loan him anymore. So it was off to the bonnie isle of may. And possibly, some of them went pirate against the countries that tried to kill them :) skull/crossbones ring a bell?. awwww poor noby.

You're obviously having caregiver burnout. Wish there was something i could do. Can you get him out for a stroll? Or a pushin his chair? It would be hard, but try to enlarge his world.

Does he like the birds too? Maybe even just a set of headphones. Would at least help you. You could probably pick up some that are used for target practice on a range. That would cut some of the inescapable noise.

Said.Sorry upbeat again now, what about a stat dec signed by a JP? 'I have known Susana X number of years etc etc'. Otherwise mate, what I do by way of a connection is use an internet cafe. Would that work for you? Not for running a business sure. But I was just thinking if worse came to worse and you became a non-person like me, ha ha. And thanks Frank.

Actually you should feel free to poke your tongue at those deluded fools in the security biz. And I have no idea if any of them read it but they sure read.

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Too much simultaneous typing. Jonco, sorry mate, I can't really point you at anything specific. You'll just have to start searching and following trails. All those footnotes and ibid stuff. What do you think I am? A real journalist?

I'm not having a go at you mate. I've sort of come to trust my understanding of the big picture now. I used to concede a point if whomever I was talking to pinned me down on precise details and I didn't have them. But every time it was more a comment on my memory than my case, if you can dig it.

So now I hold firm. Mind you, if I'm wrong on any big picture stuff I'll happily concede it. I was wrong on peak oil and also on global warming.

Happily I discovered Dave McGowan and he set me straight. Mr McGowan, wherever you are - I thank you. And thanks Kikz.

No strolls mate. His hip is buggered and he can't walk well. Combine this with his cancer and even a small trip via taxi leaves him exhausted.

Funnily enough, last time we were in a cab, he pointed at some other oldster in those ubiquitous powered cart things and said, 'Can you imagine me in one of those?' I said, 'Sure'.

He said, 'Well, I can't'. Yeah, whatever. Otherwise I've long since given up trying to vary the TV sports diet.

He sits there with this pathetic 'Oh look how I'm forced to suffer' look on his face. I let him do whatever he wants. It's 24/7 self-indulgence-land where we live. In some ways it's good for me.


One learns to dispense with desire. Anyway, that's enough days of our lives. Let's talk about something else. Hopefully a new piece tomorrow. TV and sanity permitting. Anonymoussaid.Noby- you’re a granny trolley driver- would you be my grand daughters mentor.

She's going to be a bag lady when she grows up (she's now 5). And re your driver's license thing and you call me a curmudgeon. I wrote this for Les but it will fit here. I've just spent 48hrs away, camping, with my favourite family (not mine). I told them early in the trip they are my favourite Simpson’s family – no response.

The father is a mate (of 40yrs) and we all like each other so; here we are travelling (3hr trip) to our camp site at Maroochy. No one talking- they're all playing with their iPods (mum, three 23yo kids). Get to the site, put the tent up (bewdy) relax; play with their iPods- very little conversation. Drop the iPods go out to Hogs Breath (spew), come back to tent; play with iPods.

Next day visit to a theme park; the curmudgeon (me) whinges because he must be tagged to enter the park or 'security will escort you out!' Travelling home- sleep and/or iPods.

This is my family (who by the way are very kind people) that lives in the soaps and if you asked the kids anything on USA/world affairs they'd tell you everything's fine, Mickey told them- personally. I find it very hard to believe that there is any room in the world for non-believers. Never mind I'll be moving on in. Said.Well Tone, curmudgeons of the world unite!

It's a pity you couldn't accidentally-done-a-purpose smash those ipods. Honestly mate, teenagers today - 'Would you not like to switch those off and talk to some humans perhaps?' Say the teenagers as if they've been put on bed-pan duty at the old people's home. I wonder if a teenager has ever said, 'Why do I have to act as if other people exist? Can't I just be a self-obsessed git like usual?' At least it'd be refreshing.

Talk about curmudgeons, ha ha. Said.NOTA, I guffawed, very amusing, all this time I thought s'mores were an invention from the Nabisco test kitchens designed expressly to get you to consume more. The ads with the word shown in bright chocolate brown with dripping marshmallows oozing down the page landing on graham crackers. I vote for the Girl Scouts origination. BTW, does anybody know whatever happened to Campfire Girls and Bluebirds? The Bluebirds sold salted peanuts and made a fortune outside of bars frequented by sailors on leave.

The activities of these campers may have been co-opted. And maybe just by a camper that grew up and works in Nabisco's marketing division or perhaps Planters Nuts. Bet they don't work there N'mores. Said.Su said.The reason being with the new fiscal laws here meant to protect people from getting into debt, the one requirement that banks have to have is proof of physical residence.

This doesn't sound good. Maybe a new bank might be more flexible. Maybe people are being, shall we say kept in place, or maybe they want to reduce the population to a certain controllable level or maybe there is a financial contribution they would like you to make. The last time I went into a bank to open an account, the Bank Manager needed a physical address even though my rural address requred a PO Box. So I asked him why, why then did he need my house number. He looked me straight in the eye like I should already know why and said 'Its beause of terforism.' I smirked, he smirked too.

Said.Thanks folks, Outta time. Have to go back home and cook dinner. And maybe he'll eat it and maybe he won't. How tiresome. My old man's story is that he was a colonel. And that's who he is.

I've sort of come to the view that having been an officer hamstrings you, or calcifies the brain, or something. I could write a list as long as my arm of all the various things my father will not do because (regardless of how sensible they are) they're undignified or something. None of this is articulated. Anyway he sits up there in the apartment all on his own without a single friend in the world. It's pathetic really. Anyone into Gabriel Garcia Marquez?

He has a book called No One Writes To The Colonel. I haven't read it yet but geez, the title nails it. Said.my first cousin's wife.her daddy was a full bird in II.

She grew up, typical brat. He'd been in the pacific theatre. I knew him when he was still quite animated. He was funny. My time w/him was very limited.

But, he told great stories mostly bout the perks. Great chefs, great food.his grandkids seem'd to love him, and he them. The eldest of the grandkids. Was maybe 14 then (mid 80's)and were up in NC to attend Duke Univ, in the summer, the 2 eldest boys went on to MIT for computer degrees. And the colonel had taught mathematics at Duke long ago. Aftr the war.

His wife was a blast. An old army nurse. When i was 14 or so, round 76? We were at my cousins' house in birmingham, ala for thanksgiving. Her mama was there.

All the 'wimmen' sat up that night and watched 'the happy hooker' cackling, laughing and drinking. We had a blast. The old broad was quite bawdy :) not being 'a brat' i can't imagine moving round like they must've. I guess she thought the same of civi's. I also lived w/someone when in my 20's. His daddy was a full bird. But i only knew of his ghost.

He'd already passed on by the time i knew the guy. His mother (bitch) had moved them round the globe single handedly. That's takes big brass balls for sure.the guy had been born in okinawa i think. Was a hella pingpong master of sorts:).

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Slozosaid.Hi Again Nobody, I am late as always to the comments, but someone has to work for a living. Excellent article, and I agree with almost all points you have made therein. I dig your style. You say that it's all about the banking system of the Ashkenazi/Eastern European 'jews' (posing as Judeans) - usury. For me though, I would have to pick up on your bone of contention and take it one step further. Frankly, I regard the system of financial imprisonment, which 'they' would do anything in their power to protect and or augment, as a tool.

Much as any tool is, it is a means to an end, and the end in this case is utter control of a population, or SLAVERY. Whether one chooses to call it the subjucation of humanity, or suppression of freedoms, or some other technical sounding term, it is quite simply slavery. Of course, the most perfect form of slavery for the master is one where the slave is not aware of his enslavement, and that is largely the situation today.


This internet thing is a huge problem for the masters, though, in terms of educating the public on things. Even with all the disinformation and crapflooding to obfuscate and confuse and bury the real issues, it is a problem - and one that is sure to be curtailed in the future. I hope to continue reading your pieces of writing for as long as possible until that time comes.

Said.No worries Slovo, it's all good. And your point is well taken.

Mind you, I was there already ha ha. Whilst I can't remember the precise pieces, I've already stated that the banking gag isn't about money. Which is to say, when one owns the printing presses one no longer needs to enrich oneself.

The purpose of the exercise, such as it is, is to ensure that everyone else remains poor, sick, and frightened. Otherwise if you put 'enslave' into the blogger search field at the top of the page, you'll find any number of articles. Did you see Michael Moore's Sicko? It's worth watching.

And the smartest guy in the movie is Tony Benn. As I recall, 'poor, sick and frightened' were pretty much his precise words. Hell of a guy, Tony Benn. Said.Hello nobody, today there was a very good reader email at whatreallyhappened. I think he hit the nail on the head. I take to liberty to copy that mail verbatim here, because it will be lost there tomorrow and it should be saved in public view (for the interested): Here it is: READER: Were the Jews doing this kind of stuff to the German government in 1930? If so I can understand why the Germans were so angry at them.

One of the last Chancellors of the Weimar Republic, Dr Heinrich Bruning, said in a 1937 letter to Winston Churchill that; 'I did not and do not even today, for understandable reasons, wish to reveal that from October 1928 the two largest regular contributors to the Nazi Party were the general managers of two of the largest Berlin banks, both of Jewish faith, and one of them the leader of Zionism in Germany.' Upon Mr Hitler's accession to power 30 January 1933 something happened between then and 24 March 1933 when the `glorious` headline - Judea Declares War on Germany - appeared in London's Daily Express newspaper.

I suspect that the Zionist bankers promptly turned up on his doorstep and asked him to deliver on their having so lavishly funded his Party the previous 4 years and 3 months. What would bankers be wanting if not the restoration to them the right to issue the currency at interest? We know that Mr Hitler had loans issued interest free for the normal things that people want, and that debts would also be interest free. Interest free policy resulted in the inflation being less than 2% between 1934 to 1941, but spiked to 4% in 1941, and came back down to remain at little more than 2% until war's end.

All of that means that he would have told them something like,'I thank you for your support for all this time, but financial policy will be decided by me'. Which is why six years on, that economic boycott which was the subject of that Declaration was transmuted into the gold that was WW2, for after war's end Germany was restored to the private banks, since for the next five years inflation in Germany gyrated wildly. The private Zionist bankers had won the war, but at the cost of 60,000,000 lives. But that was other peoples' lives, us, the human cattle. Said.Yes, you're right. I'm only an external consultant but I will be soon an 'official' (and take that, I voted NO at the referendum, LMAO). For the mud-slinging concerning the study, it has not yet started, but the announcement was made in mainstream media (RTL radio of France to be accurate).

The only remarquable during the announcment was the insistance on minor things like prohibition of investments in porc, alcohol and weapons, sharia law etc, but the main point, lack of usury was given ever so slightly, en passant, as we say here. Said.Hullo Richard,There is nothing I can tell you about this picture since it isn't mine. I found it on the net and then impertinently availed myself of it. The way I figure it, since I'm not making any money here no one has any claim on me. Should there be propietorial individuals out there for whom that is unsatisfactory, I'm happy to remove their picture.As for you in your situation, I'm thinking you might want to confine your internet image searches to wikicommons, or the big agencies like Corbis etc.regards,n. Greg39said.How often do I see someone call someone else a dickhead and the dickhead end up looking better for it.

Usury didn't originate with the Jews, while at first glance without spending 5 minutes looking at it it seems a racist policy; lend interest free to your brothers but you must charge the gentiles.But you'll find it began unsurprisingly where money did, Sumeria/Babylon. Nice try, Sr. Israel +banks +usury +allowed.' I didn't say it was allowed though I can see how using the words seem and racism threw you off the following explanation, it's a complicated world for some I apologise. Both them and the arabs charge a fee or are paid as an investment. In other words money back plus money; interest. Usury on the other hand is an extortionate interest.'

Whence came the Babylonian Talmud?' Sumeria/babylon denotes a region not a time and quite often you'll see 'roughly present day Iraq' to reinforce the meaning, again sorry for the confusion but I'm not sure whether I can post drawings here to make it easier for you to follow.'

Read it and weep.' Posting your own site as evidence of anything probably would start an allergy, I'll pass.'

My advice to you as a speaker of English as a second language: avoid swear words. Swear words,'I borrowed them from you, believe me if I ever spend time in the gutter it's only because I have to speak to people that lack the ability to escape.' Along with the telling of jokes, require a language skill you don't possess.' Why not, you started it.' Also, whilst you being clever sounds good to your ear,'Turn off the text to speech that should cure it, unless of course these voices are in your head.'

Take my word for it, the impression you give is that of a teenager out of his depth. Or are you a teenager?'

A telling statement, trust me you'll be on this earth a lot longer than I will. Look up transference.' Who can tell?' Me for one, never try put downs when you have to look up to do it, you'll get a hernia.' Impressive bilingual too. No mi des la lata, pontificate that idiota. I called it, and you did it.

Like some mindless automaton.Anyway, you crack me up. So predictable. So self-obsessed. And you couldn't say it could you? You couldn't say you weren't Jewish.

I nailed you, and you carried on like nothing had happened.You're such a fucking giveaway.And what's that you want to tell me? That Jews are great and that satan was misunderstood? You just can't help yourself can you?

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Like a fucking wind-up toy.Is there any point to this conversation beyond you robotically piling up lie upon lie in a desperate game of last-word? I can't see one. Like I'm here to provide a forum for a silly Jewish boy to crow like a rooster.Get over yourself mate, you're nothing but a self-impressed racist who thinks the sun shines out of his arse. Dime a dozen.Me, I ain't wasting any more time on you.

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Keep commenting if you like but you'll be yelling at empty air. There ain't nothing here for you apart from oblivion. Bye silly boy.